7 Reasons Why Attending Concerts Can Improve Your Mental Health


In honor of Mental Illness Awareness Week, we want to highlight 7 reasons why attending concerts/live events can improve your mental health.

1. Move & Groove

Hellooo enjoyable exercise! Studies show that by dancing in the crowd at a concert, you burn around 400 Cals/Hr!

2. See Ya, Stress!

Ditch the spa! Concerts are proven to significantly decrease the release of cortisol, aka the stress hormone.

3. In It Together.

You are literally surrounded by your kind of people! In a crowd of 250,000 people, you’re all there for the same exact reason. Not to mention, that moment when your favorite artist steps on stage and the crowd erupts!! Ahh, that is a sense of community unlike any other.

4. Caffeine Substitute.

Live music is an insane and captivating source of energy. The energy that is felt and created at live events releases HUGE amounts of dopamine into your brain (aka the happy hormone!!)

5. The Great Escape!

Let’s be real. That day-to-day routine can get REALLY boring. By making it a priority to switch things up and go to a show every now and then, you are adding an incredibly healthy “dose of different”.

6. Forward Looking.

When we find ourselves in less-than ideal present moments, having something to look forward to in the future can give us the motivation and persistence to keep moving forward even during difficult times. So, grab your calendar, pick a date and dance your heart out.

7. Happier & Healthier.

Bottom Line: Concerts can improve your general sense of well being. Studies show that people who regularly attend concerts have an improved sense of mental wellbeing and are happier in their everyday lives than those who don’t. ** It was also proven to improve relationships with people who attend together!!

For a positive playlist to groove to, check this out.
